⦿ Offline Trophies: 15 (4

⦿ Online Trophies: 0
⦿ Approximate amount of time to platinum: 3-6 hours, 30 minutes to 1 hour if you complete the whole story you can invite player to the chapters that have the requirements trophy.
⦿ Number of missable trophies: 0 , you can choose the chapter that you missed the trophy
⦿ Glitched trophies: 0
⦿ Minimum Playthroughs: 1
A Way Out is a co-op action-adventure game developed by Hazelight Studios and published by Electronic Arts under their EA Originals program.To play the game you need a couch co-op partner in real life or a friend from PSN to play it.
As for the story, you'll follow both Vincent Moretti and Leo Caruso as they work together to escape prison and seek vengeance against their sworn enemy, Harvey.
Step 1: Enjoy the game!
Play the game and enjoy it. You can miss some trophies but you can use Chapter Select to go back and get the trophy that you missed.
Step 2: Play and complete the game
After enjoying the game its time to get the trophies that you missed using chapter select and since the game don't have a story related trophies.
Trophy Guide
Collect all trophies
Collect all other trophies to unlock this trophy.
This Video to Get all the trophies
This Video to Get all the trophies
Chapter 1: ESCAPE
You set a new record.
This is the very first trophy that you can get and it can only be done playing Leo.
After the introduction cutscene, you'll be in the prison yard with a exercise equipment.With Leo go to the two men on the right. Speak with the older man and he will say that the other guy who is currently working out has a record of 19 dips. To beat this record, you'll need to achieve 20 dips.This is done by interacting with the exercise machine to the right of the man with the(Square) button and then tapping repeatedly until you've reached 20 dips. Once you've achieved 20 dips, the trophy will unlock for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Escape - The Yard

You freed someone from captivity.
This trophy you will get it during the prison escape, You have to free the caged parrot in the Warden's office, You have to go through the Warden's office to progress through the the story.When you exit to the balcony and you'll find the birdcage with a parrot inside it. Free this parrot from the cage and the trophy will unlock for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Escape - Prison Escape
Chapter 2: FUGITIVES
You took a break from it all.
To get this trophy both players have to sit on a rock near the waterfall at the start of this chapter go to the far-right path and keep following it until you come to a dead end with a cliff and river. Now you need to follow the edge of the cliff to the left and jump over the gap. There will be a small stone rock platform that you can both sit on the rock. Once you're both sitting on the rock, after a short cutscene the trophy will unlock for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Fugitives - Breather
You did what the wind couldn't.
This trophy can be done after making a choice to either do Vincent's way of releasing the horses or Leo's way of subduing the couple by tying them up. The choice you make won't matter for the trophy, so pick whichever choice you want during your playthrough. After that go outside and climb the windmill behind the horse barn. Now all you have to do is interact with the windmill blades, You have to tap (square) button fast to turn it on. A short cutscene will happen and the trophy will unlock for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Fugitives - Farmstead
Music was played in harmony.
This is trophy can be done after making a choice to either do Vincent's way of releasing the horses or Leo's way of subduing the couple by tying them up. The choice you make won't matter for the trophy, so pick whichever choice you want during your playthrough. After completing the choice that you've selected, enter the couples' house and you'll find a banjo and a piano in the living room. You need to have Leo play the Banjo you will find it nearby the window and Vincent needs to play the Piano. When you see the difficulty option come up, select "Easy" to make this trophy easier. You both need to play the musical instruments at the same time and try to land about 15-20 perfect notes without messing up. Then short cutscene will happen and both men will play a song together. The trophy will unlock when the cutscene ends for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Fugitives - Farmstead
You linked up to get past.
This is trophy can be done after making a choice to either do Vincent's way of releasing the horses or Leo's way of subduing the couple by tying them up. The choice you make won't matter for the trophy, so pick whichever choice you want during your playthrough. After enter the house and go into the living room. Across the fireplace is a grandfather clock that both players can interact with. You'll both need to time your interact with the Grandfather Clock at the same time. If done correctly, a short cutscene will happen and the sound of a door opening will be heard. Go upstairs and enter the hidden door to find a treasure chest. Open the treasure chest to trigger another cutscene and the trophy will unlock for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Fugitives - Farmstead
Not kids anymore.
For this trophy, go to the playground section of the trailer park. Look for the swingset, have both players sit down on this swingset together to trigger an awkward cutscene that will unlock the trophy for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Preparation - Reunion
You exposed some infidelity.
For this trophy go directly across the junkyard to find an agitated woman holding a bat. After a short dialogue with her, you will find out that she is looking for her cheating husband. Subsequent to this conversation, knock on the door of the next trailer to the right. The aforementioned cheating husband will answer the door before slamming it shut. Return to the woman and inform her of his whereabouts to earn this trophy and it will unlock for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Preparation - Reunion
You are clearly good with a bat.
For this trophy in the trailer park you will come across two people playing Baseball. When approached, you will be given the option to bat some balls. This trophy is rather situational, as you will need to hit a home run with either character. After several swings, you should be able to establish an efficient time to swing the bat, resulting in a home run. A home run essentially just means batting the ball at the furthest possible distance. Note that whomever hits the home run is solely entitled to the trophy, therefore both players must hit a home run to earn this trophy.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Preparation - Reunion
You helped fix the bike.
For this trophy Leo will walk off to speak to his son Alex while Vincent stays around to speak to Leo's wife, Linda. After a short conversation with Linda, Vincent will be asked to assist with fixing the bike. Simply retrieve the wrench from the nearby shed and return to Linda. After several onscreen prompts, this trophy will unlock for both players. Leo cannot be used to earn this trophy as he will be pursuing Alex.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Preparation - Reunion
Dark desires done right.
Leo and Vincent will catch Ray after a long and hectic chase. During the interrogation on one of the buildings, both characters must first push Ray's seat closer to the edge. As Leo, approach the red door, turn to look at the table and interact with it by pressing (square) . Have Vincent pick up the Nailgun and threaten Ray. If done successfully, a cutscene will follow. After the cutscene, simply approach Ray and execute the prompt to kick him off the building to earn this trophy for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Preparation - Violent Questioning
"Houston, we've had a problem."
Once you are in the hospital, head over to the left and take the lift to get to the maternity floor where Vincent’s wife is. Once you step off the lift, head over to the lobby with another receptionist. There is a TV in front of some couches to the right of the reception desk. You both have to sit down and watch a moon landing on the TV for about 30 seconds. After that a cutscene will trigger and Leo will dream that he is walking on the moon. The trophy will unlock as soon as the cutscene triggers. The trophy will unlock for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Preparation - A New Life
Chapter 4: VENGEANCE
You played a videogame with a friend.
Emily will task Leo and Vincent with gathering and completing a few things around the hangar before boarding the plane. Turn around after gaining control of your character to find an arcade machine. Both players must interact with the arcade machine for the game to start, then you will earn the trophy for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Vengeance - Lift Off
You almost took to the skies.
Emily tasks Leo and Vincent with a few favors before boarding the plane. Before leaving the scene, make your way to the small shack at the far corner of the hangar. Enter and walk through the red door on the opposite wall. This will lead you to another area outside. As Leo, interact with the helicopter nearby for this trophy and a short cinematic scene. Vincent cannot be used to earn this trophy as he will not enter the helicopter, but the trophy will unlock for both players.
If you missed the trophy from chapter select Vengeance - Lift Off