Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Apple Features Copied From The Jailbreak - ميزات أبل المنسوخة من الجيلبريك

هناك 12 ميزه أبل نسختها من الجيلبريك وسوف نتحدث عن كل واحد منهم:

الميزة الأولى انها ''Split Screen''

ونسخ من Tweak

السمة الثانية ''Picture in Picture''
ونسخ من Tweak

السمة الثالثة ''Search in Settings''
ونسخ من Tweak

السمة الرابعة ''Low Power Mode''
ونسخ من Tweak

ميزة الخامس ''Quick Type''

ونسخ من Tweak

ميزة السادسة ''Proactivity App Recommendations''

ونسخ من Tweak

الميزة السابعة ''Music App Color''

ونسخ من Tewak

ميزة الثامنة ''Text Contact Photo''
ونسخ من Tweak

ميزة التاسعة ''Back to App''

ونسخ من Tweak

ميزة العاشرة ''Music Queue''

ونسخ من Tweak

ميزة الحادية عشرة ''Hour Battery Tracking''

ونسخ من Tweak

الميزة الثانية عشرة ''Quick Reply API''
ونسخ من Tweak

ملاحظة: هناك الفيديو أدناه

There is 12 features Apple Copied from the jailbreak i will talk about each one of them:

First feature it's Split Screen

and it copied from ''ReachApp'' Tweak

Second feature its Picture in Picture
and it copied from ''VideoPane'' Tweak

Third feature its Search in Settings
and it copied from ''SearchSettings'' Tweak

Fourth feature its Low Power Mode
and it copied from ''BattSaver'' Tweak

Fifth feature its Quick Type

and it copied from ''SwipeSelection'' Tweak

Sixth feature its Proactivity App Recommendations

and it copied from ''RelevApp'' Tweak

Seventh feature its Music App Color

and it copied from ''ColorFlow'' Tweak

Eighth feature its Text Contact Photo
and it copied from ''ConvoPics'' Tweak

Ninth feature its Back to App

and it copied from ''LastApp'' Tweak

Tenth feature its Music Queue

and it copied from ''UpNext'' Tweak

Eleventh feature its Hour Battery Tracking

and it copied from ''DetailedBatteryUsage'' Tweak

Twelfth feature its Quick Reply API
and it copied from ''Nuntius'' Tweak

note:there is video below

Tweaks Videos











11. DetailedBatteryUsage


Post Taken from this video

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